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Median Earnings in the 2nd Quarter After Exit 34 CFR §361.155(a)(1)(iii)

The median earnings of those participants in unsubsidized employment during the second quarter after exit from the program.

Median Earnings in the 2nd Quarter After Exit 34 CFR §361.155(a)(1)(iii



  • This indicator only includes participants who were employed during the 2nd quarter after exit from the VR program.
  • Due to a two-quarter lag in unemployment insurance (UI) wage data, information for this indicator is reported in the fourth quarter after exit, along with the Employment Rate in the 2nd Quarter After Exit indicator.
  • Participants with both successful and unsuccessful outcomes are included in this indicator, unless they are excluded from the agency’s performance.
  • When reporting wages verified through other methods than UI wage data (including SWIS), the VR agency must implement supplemental wage policies.