VR Program Annual Report Requirements
The Annual Report (ETA-9169) requirements in WIOA Section 116(f)(1)(B) and its implementing joint regulations at 34 CFR §361.185 necessitate the following:
- States must submit the WIOA Annual Report by October 1 following the close of each Program Year.
- In States with a General and Blind VR agency, the VR agencies must coordinate together to submit one ETA-9169 representing title IV.
- A State that fails to submit this report could face financial sanctions pursuant to section 116(f)(1)(B) of WIOA. For more information, please review RSA-TAC-20-02.
- The State must notify the U.S. Departments of Labor or Education as soon as possible, but no later than 30 days prior to the established deadline for submission, of a potential impact on the State’s ability to submit its report. The request must include the following:
- Sufficient detail of the unexpected circumstances that will lead to untimely or incomplete reporting to warrant an extension;
- A proposed extension, fitting of the circumstances causing the delay, which should not exceed 30 calendar days after the established annual reporting deadline; and
- Any other information that the state deems relevant to help explain the need for an extension.
State VR programs only report the following three data elements on the ETA-9169 for the State:
- Funds expended on Career Services;
- Funds expended on Training Services; and
- Percent enrolled in more than one core program
The Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) calculates the other ETA-9169 data elements (i.e., participants, exiters, characteristics) for State VR programs with RSA-911 data (i.e., PY four quarter reports); this includes results across the following performance indicators:
- Measurable Skill Gains Rate;
- Employment Rate in the Second Quarter after Exit;
- Median Earnings in the Second Quarter after Exit;
- Employment Rate in the Fourth Quarter after Exit; and
- Credential Attainment Rate
If the State’s core programs have elected to submit the Effectiveness in Serving Employers data through the VR program, this data may also be reported through the ETA-9169 to RSA, otherwise it is left blank in the report submission.
Participant Cohorts & Reporting Requirements
Participant Cohorts and Timelines for Performance Data
Data collection for the WIOA performance indicators began on July 1, 2017, for Program Year (PY) 17. Because each participant-level performance indicator (other than Measurable Skill Gains, which is during the current PY) is an exit-based measure, various participant exit cohorts are included in the WIOA Annual Reports and agency performance rates.
- Employment Rate in the 2nd Quarter After Exit: Participants who exited the VR program in the Program Year immediately preceding the current Program Year.
- Employment Rate in the 4th Quarter After Exit: Participants who exited the VR program in the calendar year immediately preceding the current Program Year.
- Median Earnings in the 2nd Quarter After Exit: Participants who exited the VR program in the Program Year immediately preceding the current Program Year.
- Measurable Skill Gains (MSG) Rate: Participants who earn one of the five types of MSGs during the current Program Year.
- Credential Attainment Rate: Participants who exited the VR program in the calendar year immediately preceding the current Program Year.
See example using PY19 (July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020) National Summary Annual Report
Employment Rate (Q2) | Employment Rate (Q4) | Median Earnings | Credential Rate | MSG Rate |
Cohort Period: (07/01/2018 – 06/30/2019) | Cohort Period: (01/01/2018 – 12/31/2018) | Cohort Period: (07/01/2018 – 06/30/2019) | Cohort Period: (01/01/2018 – 12/31/2018) | Cohort Period: (07/01/2019 – 06/30/2020) |
Table available as accessible PDF
Reporting Requirements for Reportable Individuals, Participants & Exiters
Reportable Individuals (34 CFR §361.150(b)) are those individuals who have taken action that demonstrates an intent to use VR program services (i.e., VR applicant, potentially eligible student with a disability receiving services prior to VR application) but who do not meet the definition of a VR participant.
- Reportable individuals are not included in the calculation of performance; however, information is collected and submitted in the RSA-911 quarterly report.
- Reportable Individuals MUST be reported in each of the RSA-911 quarterly reports until the quarter AFTER they exit the VR program and Data Element 353: Date of Exit is reported.
Participants (34 CFR §361.150(a)(1)) are those individuals who are Reportable Individuals who also have an approved and signed Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) and have begun to receive services.
- Participants may be included in the calculations for performance, unless he or she exits the VR program for reasons that are excluded. For more information regarding who is included in the performance calculations, please review VRTAC-QM WIOA Performance Indicators.
- All VR program participants MUST be reported in each of the RSA-911 quarterly reports, regardless of if any information in their service record changing.
Exiters (34 CFR §361.150(c)(2)), as defined for the purpose of performance calculations, are those participants who have received services from the VR program under an IPE and have exited the program because they achieved a competitive integrated employment outcome, did not achieve an employment outcome, or have been determined no longer eligible after receiving services.
- Participants, who exit the VR program, are included in the calculations for performance, unless he or she exits the VR program for reasons that are excluded. For more information regarding reasons for program exit and performance calculation exclusions, please review this Reason for Exit Tool.
- Exiters who are INCLUDED in the performance calculations MUST be reported for six quarters AFTER the exit quarter.
- Exiters who are EXCLUDED from the performance calculations MUST be reported in each of the RSA-911 quarterly reports until the quarter AFTER they exit the VR program and Data Element 353: Date of Exit, is reported.
Program Year Quarters and Participant Exit Cohorts
WIOA Core Program Annual Reports
U.S. Department of Education

- Rehabilitation Services Administration: Annual Performance Reports for the WIOA title IV Vocational Rehabilitation program
- Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education: National Summaries and State Reports for the WIOA title II program
U.S. Department of Labor

- Employment and Training Administration: National Summaries and State Reports for the WIOA titles I and III programs
For more information, please review the WIOA Statewide Performance Report Specifications (ETA-9169): PDF and Excel.