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Communities of Practice (CoP) are groups of professionals who meet and engage around a common goal or concern to share best practices, develop and discuss areas of interest, and build a sense of community. As CoP opportunities become available, you will find them here. VRTAC-QM CoP sites require registration and log in.

Available Communities of Practice

The Case Review Community of Practice/Workgroup (CoP) has been established to help State Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies (SVRA) identify, understand, and implement case review practices which may partially satisfy the SVRA’s requirement to “monitor its activities under Federal awards to assure compliance with applicable Federal requirements and performance expectations are being achieved” as outlined in 2 CFR 200.329(a). This cohort-based CoP has reached its full capacity. For 2022 CoP cohort members, Read more
The Innovating and Transforming Services Community of Practice (CoP) focuses on identifying and implementing new and effective services, strategies and practices that increase and improve customer outcomes and reduce administrative burden. 
Follow the key points of critical decision-making through your grant life cycle. Topics include fiscal forecasting, reallotment, period of performance, and end-of-fiscal-year requirements. Come prepared and ready to contribute to the discussion around these topics. This is a collaborative and interactive experience. The VR Agency Leadership Team and DSA/DSU Fiscal staff are the target audience.  The Fiscal Management CoP is a virtual gathering space for VR professionals to bring fiscal management and operational related questions. Targeted at the VR agency leadership team and DSA/DSU… Read more
Rapid engagement is a strategy whereby individuals with disabilities are moved through the rehabilitation process from application to service provision as quickly and efficiently as possible in order to maximize the likelihood that they will be active and full participants in their rehabilitation plans and achieve successful outcomes. The concept of developing a community of practice (CoP) around this topical area emerged from shared interests of a group of Training Coordinators who are participating in the Training Coordinators/Directors CoP facilitated by CIT-VR. They were seeking training… Read more
The Case File Review Community of Practice (CoP) has ended, and the forum is no longer active.   If you have any immediate technical assistance needs, please contact Crystal Garry at For existing CoP members, click this link to go to the CoP site.
Customized Employment Community of Practice (CoP) will allow State VR Agencies to learn about and share approaches regarding the development, implementation and evaluation of their CE pilots which are currently in progress.
Facilitated in partnership with CSAVR, this Community of Practice assists State Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies prepare for RSA monitoring. Members share best practices and discuss challenges, with the ultimate goal of learning from each other as they move through the monitoring process. Because this CoP is time-limited to the monitoring year, a new group is created each subsequent year of monitoring.