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RSA Formula Grant Program: All Reports

The VR Program is required to submit several reports related to program management. The Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) partnered with the Vocational Rehabilitation Technical Assistance Center for Quality Management (VRTAC-QM) to compile all required reports to help VR agencies and other RSA grantees track the various information collections that RSA manages for the Federal formula awards. This includes information related to the frequency of the collection, the time periods under which data are collected, the reporting deadlines, and other relevant details. Additionally included are links to some of the information collection requests and sub-regulatory guidance documents that outline reporting requirements.

RSA Formula Grant Programs: Federal Reports and Deadline

WIOA - RSA-911 Quarterly Reports and ETA-9169 Annual Performance Reports. For more info click the image.

Case Service Report (RSA-911)

The RSA-911 collects data required to describe the performance of the VR and Supported Employment programs in the Annual Report to the Congress and the President as required by Sections 13 and 101(a)(10) of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Rehabilitation Act), as amended by title IV of WIOA. RSA also uses these data to assess the performance of the VR program through the calculation of evaluation standards and performance indicators as required by Section 106 of the Rehabilitation Act, which must be consistent with the common performance accountability measures established in Section 116 of Title I of WIOA for the core programs of the workforce development system. In addition, RSA uses data reported through this data collection to support its other responsibilities under the Rehabilitation Act. RSA uses data captured through the RSA-911 during the conduct of the annual reviews and periodic onsite monitoring of VR agencies required by Section 107 of the Rehabilitation Act to examine the effectiveness of program performance.

The current version of the RSA-911 data is outlined in PD 19-03 for PY 2020 beginning on July 1, 2020.


Vocational Rehabilitation Financial Report (RSA-17)

The RSA-17 collects data on VR program activities for agencies funded under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Rehabilitation Act), as amended by title IV of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). RSA uses the data to evaluate and monitor the financial and programmatic performance of VR agencies. The RSA-17 captures the following:

  • Federal and non-Federal administrative expenditures for the VR program;
  • Federal and non-Federal expenditures for Services to Groups;
  • Federal and non-Federal American Job Center Infrastructure expenditures;
  • Receipt, use, and/or transfer of VR program income;
  • Financial data necessary to ensure Federal award requirements are met (e.g., those for match, maintenance of effort, and the reservation of funds for the provision of pre-employment transition services); and
  • Obligations and disbursements that occurred during the period of the award.
