![]() Acronym list for the field of Vocational Rehabilitation | |
Acronym | Definition |
504 | Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is a statute which prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities. A 504 plan is an individual education plan for a special-needs student. |
508 | Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act (29 U.S.C. § 794d), as amended by the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (P.L. 105-220) requires federal agencies to develop, procure, maintain and use information and communications technology (ICT) that is accessible to people with disabilities. Section 508 requires federal agencies to make their ICT such as technology, online training and websites accessible for everyone. |
AAG | Assistant Attorney General |
ABLE | Achieving a Better Life Experience |
ACA | Affordable Care Act |
ACB | American Council of the Blind |
ACL | Administration for Community Living |
ADA | Americans with Disability Act |
AEFLA | Adult Education and Family Literacy Act |
AFB | American Foundation for the Blind |
AG | Attorney General |
AIVRS | American Indian Vocational Rehabilitation Services |
AIVRTTAC | American Indian Vocational Rehabilitation Training and Technical Assistance Center |
AJC | American Job Center |
ALJ | Administrative Law Judge |
APSE | Association for Persons in Supported Employment |
ASL | American Sign Language |
AT | Assistive Technology |
AWIC | Area Work Incentives Coordinator |
BA | Budget Authority |
BAC | Business Advisory Council |
BE | Business Engagement |
BEP | Business Enterprise Program |
BLN | Business Leadership Network |
BLS | Bureau of Labor Statistics |
BPQY | Benefits Planning Query |
BWE | Blind Work Expense |
C&G | Counseling and Guidance |
CANAR | Consortia of Administrators of Native American Rehabilitation |
CAP | Client Assistance Program |
CAP | Cost Allocation Plan |
CAP | Corrective Action Plan |
CBO | Community Based Organization |
CCD | Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities |
CE | Customized Employment |
CFDA | Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance |
CFR or C.F.R. | Code of Federal Regulations |
CIE | Competitive Integrated Employment |
CIL | Center for Independent Living |
CMIA | Const Management Improvement Act |
CoP | Community of Practice |
COSO | Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (Internal Controls) |
CP | Cerebral Palsy |
CPA | Certified Public Accountant |
CMS | Case Management System |
CPI | Consumer Price Index |
CPM | Common Performance Measures |
CR | Continuing Resolution |
CRA | Community Reinvestment Act |
CRC | Certified Rehabilitation Counselor |
CRCC | Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification |
CRP | Community Rehabilitation Program |
CSAVR | Council of State Administrators of Vocational Rehabilitation |
CSBG | Community Services Block Grant |
CSNA | Comprehensive Statewide Needs Assessment |
CSPD | Comprehensive System of Personnel Development |
CT | Customized Training |
CWIC | Community Work Incentive Coordinator |
CY | Calendar Year |
DD | Developmental Disability |
DD | Disability Determination |
DDS | Disability Determination Services |
DHHS | U.S. Department of Health and Human Services |
DOBE | Disability Owned Business Enterprise |
DOE | Department of Education |
DOL | Department of Labor |
DOT | U.S. Department of Transportation |
DRAAN | Documented Reasonable, Allowable, Allocable, and Necessary |
DSA | Designated State Agency |
DSU | Designated State Unit |
DUNS | Data Universal Number System |
ED | U.S. Department of Education (preferred acronym) |
EDGAR | Education Department General Administrative Regulations |
EE | Extended Employment |
EF | Employment First |
EIE | Earned Income Exclusion |
EN | Employment Network |
EO | Executive Order |
EPE | Extended Period of Eligibility |
ES | Employment Services |
ES | Extended Services |
ESL | English as a Second Language |
ETA | Employment and Training Administration |
ETP | Eligible Training Providers (ETPL—Eligible Training Provider List) |
FAQ | Frequently Asked Questions |
FAFSA | Free Application for Federal Student Aid |
FERPA | Family Education Rights and Privacy Act |
FFY | Federal Fiscal Year |
FLSA | Fair Labor Standards Act |
FOIA | Freedom of Information Act |
FPL | Federal Poverty Level |
FR | Federal Register |
FTE | Full Time Equivalent |
G5 | ED’s financial system for grants management |
GAAP | Generally Accepted Accounting Principles |
GAAS | Generally Accepted Auditing Standards |
GAN | Grant Award Notification |
GAO | Government Accountability Office |
GEPA | General Education Provisions Act |
GPRA | Government Performance and Results Act |
GSA | General Services Administration |
HHS | Health and Human Services |
HIPPA | Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act |
HKNC | Helen Keller National Center |
HUD | U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development |
I&E | Innovation and Expansion |
ICT | Information and Communications Technology |
ID | Intellectual Disability |
IDA | Individual Development Accounts |
IDEA | Individuals with Disabilities Education Act |
IEP | Individualized Educational Plan |
IFA | Infrastructure Funding Agreement |
IHE | Iinstitutions of Higher Education |
IHO | Impartial Hearing Officer |
IL | Independent Living |
IL-OIB | Independent Living Program for Older Individuals who are Blind |
IM | Information Memorandum |
IPE | Individualized Plan for Employment |
IRI | Institute on Rehabilitation Issues |
IPS | Individualized Placement and Support |
IRT | Integrated Resource Team |
IRWE | Impairment Related Work Expense |
IT | Information Technology |
IWD | Individuals with Disabilities |
JAN | Job Accommodation Network |
JD | Job Development |
JVSG | Jobs for Veterans State Grants Program |
LEA | Local Education Agency |
LMI | Labor Market Information |
LWDB | Local Workforce Development Board |
MER | Medical Evidence of Record |
MFP | Money Follows the Person |
MH | Mental Health |
MI | Mental Illness |
MIOR | Medical Information of Record |
MOA | Memorandum of Agreement |
MOE | Maintenance of Effort |
MOU | Memorandum of Understanding |
MSD | Most Significant Disability |
MSG | Measurable Skill Gains |
MTAG | Monitoring and Technical Assistance Guide |
NCRTM | National Clearinghouse for Rehabilitation Training Materials |
NCSAB | National Council of State Agencies for the Blind |
NCSRC | National Coalition of State Rehabilitation Councils |
NDD | Notice of Disallowance Determination |
NDRN | National Disabilities Rights Network |
NET | National Employment Team |
NFB | National Federation for the Blind |
NFE | Non-Federal Entity |
NGA | National Governors Association |
NIB | National Industries for the Blind |
NIDILRR | National Institute on Disability Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research |
NTACT:C | National Technical Assistance Center on Transition: The Collaborative |
OGC | Office of General Council |
OIB | Independent Living Program for Older Individuals who are Blind |
OIB-TAC | Older Individuals Who are Blind Technical Assistance Center |
OJT | On-The-Job Training |
OMB | Office of Management and Budget |
OMTM | Other Measures that Matter |
OOS | Order of Selection |
OSERS | Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services |
P&P | Policies and Procedures |
PABSS | Protection and Advocacy for Beneficiaries of Social Security |
PAI | Performance Accountability Indicators |
PAIR | Protection and Advocacy of Individual Rights |
PAS | Personal Assistance Services |
PASS | Plan for Achieving Self Support |
PCI | Per Capita Income |
PD | Policy Directive |
PE | Program Evaluation |
PES | Post-Employment Services |
PII | Personally Identifiable Information |
PIRL | Participant Individual Record Layout |
PoP | Period of Participation |
PoP | Period of Performance |
PPLUS | Partnership Plus |
PR | Physical Restoration |
pre-ETS | Pre-Employment Transition Services |
PROMISE | Promoting Readiness of Minors in Supplemental Security Income |
PTE | Pass-Through Entity |
PTSD | Post Traumatic Stress Disorder |
PWD | People with Disabilities |
PY | Program Year |
QA | Quality Assurance |
QC | Quality Control |
R-S | Randolph Sheppard Program |
RA | Registered Apprenticeship |
RExO | Reintegration of Ex-Offenders Program |
ROI | Release of Information |
ROI | Return on Investment |
RSA | Rehabilitation Services Administration |
RT | Rehabilitation Technology |
SARA | Semi-Autonomous Rehabilitation Assistant |
SAM | Statistical Adjustment Model |
SBA | U.S. Small Business Administration |
SCSEP | Senior Community Service Employment Program |
SD | Significant Disability |
SE | Self-Employment |
SE | Supported Employment |
SE-A | Supported Employment Award for individuals with the most significant disabilities |
SE-B | Supported Employment Award for youth with the most significant disabilities |
SEA | State Educational Agency |
SEIE | Student Earned Income Exclusion |
SFY | State Fiscal Year |
SGA | Substantial Gainful Activity |
SILC | Statewide Independent Living Council |
SLD | Specific Learning Disability |
SMPID | State Monitoring and Program Improvement Division |
SMW | Subminimum Wage |
SNAP | Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program |
SOP | Standard Operating Procedure |
SPII | Sensitive Personally Identifiable Information |
SRC | State Rehabilitation Council |
SSA | Social Security Administration |
SSA | Support Services Assistant |
SSDI | Social Security Disability Insurance |
SSI | Supplemental Security Income |
SSN | Social Security Number |
STEM | Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics |
SVRA | State Vocational Rehabilitation Agency |
SWA CAP | Statewide Accounting Cost Allocation Plan |
SWAS | Statewide Accounting System |
SWD | Student with a Disability |
SWDB | State Workforce Development Board |
SWIS | State Wage Interchange System |
SWOT | Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats Analysis |
TA | Technical Assistance |
TAA | Trade Adjustment Assistance |
TAC | Technical Assistance Center |
TAC | Technical Assistance Circular |
TACC | Technical Assistance Center Collaborative |
TANF | Temporary Assistance to Needy Families |
TAY | Transition-Age Youth |
TBD | To Be Determined |
TBI | Traumatic Brain Injury |
TPCA | Third Party Cooperative Arrangement |
TSPD | Training and Service Programs Division |
TTW | Ticket to Work |
TVR | Tribal Vocational Rehabilitation |
TWE | Trial Work Experience |
TWP | Trial Work Period |
TWWIIA | Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act |
U.S.C. | United States Code |
UGG | Uniform Grant Guidance |
UI | Unemployment Insurance |
USDA | U.S. Department of Agriculture |
UWA | Unsuccessful Work Attempt |
VA | U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs |
VR | Vocational Rehabilitation |
VR&E | Veterans Readiness and Employment |
VRTAC-QE | Vocational Rehabilitation Technical Assistance Center for Quality Employment |
VRTAC-QM | Vocational Rehabilitation Technical Assistance Center for Quality Management |
WDB | Workforce Development Board |
WDS | Workforce Development System |
WHD | Wage and Hour Division |
WIA | Workforce Investment Act |
WIB | Workforce Investment Board |
WIL | Work Incentives Liaison |
WIOA | Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act |
WISE | Work Incentives Seminar Events |
WIPA | Work Incentives Planning and Assistance |
WOTC | Work Opportunity Tax Credit |
WP | Wagner-Peyser |
YTD | Year to Date |