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Acronym list for the field of Vocational Rehabilitation
504Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is a statute which prohibits
discrimination against individuals with disabilities. A 504 plan is an individual
education plan for a special-needs student.
508Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act (29 U.S.C. § 794d), as amended by the
Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (P.L. 105-220) requires federal agencies
to develop, procure, maintain and use information and communications
technology (ICT) that is accessible to people with disabilities. Section 508
requires federal agencies to make their ICT such as technology, online
training and websites accessible for everyone. 
AAGAssistant Attorney General
ABLEAchieving a Better Life Experience
ACAAffordable Care Act
ACBAmerican Council of the Blind
ACLAdministration for Community Living
ADAAmericans with Disability Act
AEFLAAdult Education and Family Literacy Act
AFBAmerican Foundation for the Blind
AGAttorney General
AIVRSAmerican Indian Vocational Rehabilitation Services
AIVRTTACAmerican Indian Vocational Rehabilitation Training and Technical Assistance Center
AJCAmerican Job Center
ALJAdministrative Law Judge
APSEAssociation for Persons in Supported Employment
ASLAmerican Sign Language
ATAssistive Technology
AWICArea Work Incentives Coordinator
BABudget Authority
BACBusiness Advisory Council
BE Business Engagement
BEPBusiness Enterprise Program
BLNBusiness Leadership Network
BLSBureau of Labor Statistics
BPQYBenefits Planning Query
BWEBlind Work Expense
C&GCounseling and Guidance
CANARConsortia of Administrators of Native American Rehabilitation
CAPClient Assistance Program
CAPCost Allocation Plan
CAPCorrective Action Plan
CBOCommunity Based Organization
CCDConsortium for Citizens with Disabilities
CECustomized Employment
CFDACatalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
CFR or C.F.R.Code of Federal Regulations
CIECompetitive Integrated Employment 
CILCenter for Independent Living
CMIAConst Management Improvement Act
CoPCommunity of Practice
COSOCommittee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (Internal Controls)
CPCerebral Palsy
CPACertified Public Accountant
CMSCase Management System
CPIConsumer Price Index
CPMCommon Performance Measures
CRContinuing Resolution
CRACommunity Reinvestment Act
CRCCertified Rehabilitation Counselor
CRCCCommission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification
CRPCommunity Rehabilitation Program
CSAVRCouncil of State Administrators of Vocational Rehabilitation
CSBGCommunity Services Block Grant
CSNAComprehensive Statewide Needs Assessment
CSPDComprehensive System of Personnel Development
CTCustomized Training
CWICCommunity Work Incentive Coordinator
CYCalendar Year
DDDevelopmental Disability
DDDisability Determination
DDSDisability Determination Services
DHHSU.S. Department of Health and Human Services
DOBEDisability Owned Business Enterprise
DOEDepartment of Education
DOLDepartment of Labor
DOTU.S. Department of Transportation
DRAANDocumented Reasonable, Allowable, Allocable, and Necessary
DSADesignated State Agency
DSUDesignated State Unit
DUNSData Universal Number System 
EDU.S. Department of Education (preferred acronym)
EDGAREducation Department General Administrative Regulations
EEExtended Employment
EFEmployment First
EIEEarned Income Exclusion
ENEmployment Network
EOExecutive Order
EPEExtended Period of Eligibility
ESEmployment Services
ESExtended Services
ESLEnglish as a Second Language
ETAEmployment and Training Administration
ETPEligible Training Providers (ETPL—Eligible Training Provider List)
FAQFrequently Asked Questions
FAFSAFree Application for Federal Student Aid
FERPAFamily Education Rights and Privacy Act
FFYFederal Fiscal Year
FLSAFair Labor Standards Act
FOIAFreedom of Information Act
FPLFederal Poverty Level
FRFederal Register
FTEFull Time Equivalent
G5ED’s financial system for grants management
GAAPGenerally Accepted Accounting Principles
GAASGenerally Accepted Auditing Standards
GANGrant Award Notification
GAOGovernment Accountability Office
GEPAGeneral Education Provisions Act
GPRAGovernment Performance and Results Act
GSAGeneral Services Administration
HHSHealth and Human Services
HIPPAHealth Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
HKNCHelen Keller National Center
HUDU.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
I&EInnovation and Expansion
ICTInformation and Communications Technology
IDIntellectual Disability 
IDAIndividual Development Accounts
IDEAIndividuals with Disabilities Education Act
IEPIndividualized Educational Plan
IFAInfrastructure Funding Agreement
IHEIinstitutions of Higher Education
IHOImpartial Hearing Officer
ILIndependent Living
IL-OIBIndependent Living Program for Older Individuals who are Blind
IMInformation Memorandum
IPEIndividualized Plan for Employment
IRIInstitute on Rehabilitation Issues
IPSIndividualized Placement and Support
IRTIntegrated Resource Team
IRWEImpairment Related Work Expense
ITInformation Technology
IWDIndividuals with Disabilities
JANJob Accommodation Network
JDJob Development
JVSGJobs for Veterans State Grants Program
LEALocal Education Agency 
LMILabor Market Information
LWDBLocal Workforce Development Board
MERMedical Evidence of Record
MFPMoney Follows the Person
MHMental Health
MIMental Illness
MIORMedical Information of Record
MOAMemorandum of Agreement
MOEMaintenance of Effort
MOUMemorandum of Understanding
MSDMost Significant Disability
MSGMeasurable Skill Gains
MTAGMonitoring and Technical Assistance Guide
NCRTMNational Clearinghouse for Rehabilitation Training Materials 
NCSABNational Council of State Agencies for the Blind 
NCSRCNational Coalition of State Rehabilitation Councils
NDDNotice of Disallowance Determination
NDRNNational Disabilities Rights Network
NETNational Employment Team
NFBNational Federation for the Blind
NFENon-Federal Entity
NGANational Governors Association
NIBNational Industries for the Blind
NIDILRRNational Institute on Disability Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research
NTACT:CNational Technical Assistance Center on Transition: The Collaborative
OGCOffice of General Council 
OIBIndependent Living Program for Older Individuals who are Blind
OIB-TACOlder Individuals Who are Blind Technical Assistance Center
OJTOn-The-Job Training
OMBOffice of Management and Budget
OMTMOther Measures that Matter
OOSOrder of Selection
OSERSOffice of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services
P&PPolicies and Procedures
PABSSProtection and Advocacy for Beneficiaries of Social Security
PAIPerformance Accountability Indicators
PAIRProtection and Advocacy of Individual Rights
PASPersonal Assistance Services
PASSPlan for Achieving Self Support
PCIPer Capita Income
PDPolicy Directive
PE Program Evaluation
PESPost-Employment Services
PIIPersonally Identifiable Information
PIRLParticipant Individual Record Layout
PoPPeriod of Participation
PoPPeriod of Performance
PPLUSPartnership Plus
PR Physical Restoration
pre-ETSPre-Employment Transition Services
PROMISEPromoting Readiness of Minors in Supplemental Security Income
PTEPass-Through Entity
PTSDPost Traumatic Stress Disorder
PWDPeople with Disabilities
PYProgram Year
QAQuality Assurance
QCQuality Control
R-SRandolph Sheppard Program
RARegistered Apprenticeship
RExOReintegration of Ex-Offenders Program
ROIRelease of Information
ROIReturn on Investment
RSARehabilitation Services Administration
RTRehabilitation Technology
SARASemi-Autonomous Rehabilitation Assistant
SAMStatistical Adjustment Model
SBAU.S. Small Business Administration
SCSEPSenior Community Service Employment Program
SDSignificant Disability
SESupported Employment
SE-ASupported Employment Award for individuals with the most significant disabilities
SE-BSupported Employment Award for youth with the most significant disabilities
SEAState Educational Agency
SEIEStudent Earned Income Exclusion
SFYState Fiscal Year
SGASubstantial Gainful Activity
SILCStatewide Independent Living Council
SLDSpecific Learning Disability 
SMPIDState Monitoring and Program Improvement Division
SMWSubminimum Wage
SNAPSupplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
SOPStandard Operating Procedure
SPIISensitive Personally Identifiable Information
SRCState Rehabilitation Council 
SSASocial Security Administration
SSASupport Services Assistant
SSDI Social Security Disability Insurance
SSISupplemental Security Income
SSNSocial Security Number
STEMScience, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
SVRAState Vocational Rehabilitation Agency
SWA CAPStatewide Accounting Cost Allocation Plan
SWASStatewide Accounting System 
SWDStudent with a Disability
SWDBState Workforce Development Board
SWISState Wage Interchange System
SWOTStrengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats Analysis
TATechnical Assistance
TAATrade Adjustment Assistance
TACTechnical Assistance Center
TACTechnical Assistance Circular
TACCTechnical Assistance Center Collaborative
TANFTemporary Assistance to Needy Families
TAYTransition-Age Youth
TBDTo Be Determined
TBITraumatic Brain Injury
TPCAThird Party Cooperative Arrangement
TSPDTraining and Service Programs Division
TTWTicket to Work
TVRTribal Vocational Rehabilitation
TWETrial Work Experience
TWPTrial Work Period
TWWIIATicket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act
U.S.C.United States Code
UGGUniform Grant Guidance
UIUnemployment Insurance
USDAU.S. Department of Agriculture
UWAUnsuccessful Work Attempt
VAU.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
VRVocational Rehabilitation
VR&EVeterans Readiness and Employment
VRTAC-QEVocational Rehabilitation Technical Assistance Center for Quality Employment 
VRTAC-QMVocational Rehabilitation Technical Assistance Center for Quality Management
WDBWorkforce Development Board
WDSWorkforce Development System
WHDWage and Hour Division
WIAWorkforce Investment Act
WIBWorkforce Investment Board 
WILWork Incentives Liaison
WIOAWorkforce Innovation and Opportunity Act
WISEWork Incentives Seminar Events
WIPAWork Incentives Planning and Assistance
WOTCWork Opportunity Tax Credit
YTDYear to Date